(English Version Below)
“Imagine how it is, To live in a world you can’t see Relying on someone else’s, On someone else’s helping hand Following every step, every turn, Every move That’s made (following you) Without any fear, let go control And don’t hesitate…” – I Trust
La musica ti coglie spesso di sorpresa. Quando pensi di aver esplorato tanto di essa ecco che improvvisa arriva quella luce che torna a illuminarne l’ascolto. Ciara Moser è l’esempio più recente di cui parlerò oggi.
Un artista che racconta sé stessa, il suo mondo, attraverso una musica vibrante e piena di colori che disorienta e allo stesso tempo regala all’ascoltatore emozioni che credeva sopite. Nata in Irlanda e attualmente residente a Boston Ciara ci conduce per mano, attraverso le 12 tracce che compongono il suo disco di debutto “Blind So What”, nel mondo di una giovane bassista cieca sin dalla nascita.
Tanti i musicisti che l’hanno accompagnata in questo progetto: il batterista e cantante Lumanyano MZI, i percussionisti Juan Sebastian Sanchez e George Lernis, i tastieristi Warren Pettey, Stephanie Weninger e Anastassiya Petrova, i chitarristi Amaury Cabral, Liam Garcia e Isaac Romagosa, i sassofonisti Salim Charvet, Shahar Amdor e Lihi Haruvi, le voci di Aditi Malhotra e Nishant Shekar, le voci secondarie Masa Vujadinovic e Shivaraj Natraj. Colpisce l’anima sinestetica di questo album, il suo essere contemporaneamente suono e narrazione di vita, colore e oscurità.
Lo splendido artwork del booklet costruisce per ogni brano tonalità cromatiche differenti e raccoglie, oltre ai testi scritti dalla stessa Moser (tranne il poema dell’ultima traccia “The lady with a green cane”) e a numerose foto, anche delle interessanti introduzioni con cui Ciara ci racconta genesi e aspirazioni di questi pezzi affascinanti. “Blind So What” regala così un cammino in 12 tappe che si agita irrequieto nella sua struttura interna, amalgamando interviste, melodia, malinconia e gioia come rifrazioni dell’intima bellezza che percorre ogni genere musicale e ogni essere umano.
Il groove del basso che Ciara fa cantare affianca il ritmo a volte sincopato della batteria, il sax, le voci, ogni particolare crea il proprio spazio dialogando in sinergia alla stesura della tela coloratissima che è l’intero album.
Non è difficile considerare questo debutto come qualcosa di più che un semplice disco, un manifesto di una rivoluzione dell’anima che grazie alla musica di Ciara Moser si speri riesca a penetrare l’apatia e l’oscurità che alberga nel cuore di molti.
“I am calling for action, we gotta change our attitude. Let’s create a society, that sees abilities of everyone. Give us awareness, acceptance, opportunities. This is, why I’m calling you, to see the beauty and skills of people with different abilities. To create equality” – Different Ability Part 2
"Imagine how it is, To live in a world you can’t see Relying on someone else’s, On someone else’s helping hand Following every step, every turn, Every move That’s made (following you) Without any fear, let go control And don’t hesitate... " - I Trust
Music often takes you by surprise. When you think you have explored so much of it, suddenly comes that light that comes back to illuminate the listening. Ciara Moser is the most recent example I will talk about today.
An artist who tells himself, his world, through a vibrant music full of colors that disorients and at the same time gives the listener emotions that he believed dormant.
Born in Ireland and currently living in Boston, Ciara leads us by the hand, through the 12 tracks that make up her debut album "Blind So What", in the world of a young blind bassist from birth. Many musicians have accompanied her in this project: drummer and singer Lumanyano MZI, percussionists Juan Sebastian Sanchez and George Lernis, keyboardists Warren Pettey, Stephanie Weninger and Anastassiya Petrova, guitarists Amaury Cabral, Liam Garcia and Isaac Romagosa, saxophonists Salim Charvet, Shahar Amdor and Lihi Haruvi, the voices of Aditi Malhotra and Nishant Shekar, secondary voices Masa Vujadinovic and Shivaraj Natraj.
It strikes the synesthetic soul of this album, its being simultaneously sound and narration of life, color and darkness. The beautiful artwork of the booklet builds for each song different colors and collects, in addition to the texts written by Moser herself (except the poem of the last track "The lady with a green dog") and many photos, including interesting introductions with which Ciara tells us the genesis and aspirations of these fascinating pieces.
"Blind So What" offers a journey in 12 stages that agitates restless in its internal structure, mixing interviews, melody, melancholy and joy as refractions of the intimate beauty that runs through every kind of music and every human being.
The groove of the bass that Ciara makes sing alongside the rhythm of the sometimes syncopated drums, the sax, the voices, every detail creates its own space dialoguing in synergy to the drafting of the colorful canvas that is the entire album. It is not difficult to consider this debut as something more than a simple record, a manifesto of a revolution of the soul that thanks to the music of Ciara Moser is hoped to penetrate the apathy and darkness that dwells in the hearts of many.
"I am calling for action, we gotta change our attitude. Let’s create a society, that sees abilities of everyone. Give us awareness, acceptance, opportunities. This is, why I’m calling you, to see the beauty and skills of people with different abilities. To create equality" - Different Ability Part 2
Articolo del
25/01/2024 -
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